El Cajon is a city in San Diego County, California, United States, 17 mi east of Downtown San Diego. The city, located in a valley surrounded by mountains, has acquired the nickname of “The Big Box.” Its name originated similarly, from the Spanish phrase “el cajón,” which means “the box” or “the drawer.” El Cajon, Spanish for “the big box,” was first recorded on September 10, 1821, as an alternative name for sitio rancho Santa Mónica to describe the “boxed in” nature of the valley in which it sat. The name appeared on maps in 1873 and 1875, shortened to “Cajon,” until the modern town developed in which the post office was named “El Cajon.” In 1905, the name was once again expanded to “El Cajon” under the insistence of California banker and historian, Zoeth Skinner Eldredge.
On a Saturday in May the city celebrates its diversity with a free family-friendly event called “America on Main Street”. The festival replaces a previous city-sponsored event called the International Friendship Festival which ran from 1991 to 2003. Both festivals highlight the city’s identity as a “mini-United Nations”, with 30% of its population being immigrants from Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Turkey, and other countries. El Cajon’s annual Mother Goose Parade has been held on the Sunday before Thanksgiving every year since 1946. Organizers claim it is the largest parade in San Diego County. It features more than 100 entries including “motorized floats, marching bands and drill units, equestrians, clowns, performing artists, giant helium balloons, specialty vehicles and Santa Claus.”
Is a San Diego based full service moving company that serves local residents, businesses, governments, non governmental organizations, and not-for-profits. No matter your location, Packing Bees is always ready to move you wherever you need. The Packing Bees crew is always there for our clients to help accomplish various goals. Packing Bees will always serve the people of El Cajon.