In La Mesa, there is a Farmer’s Market in La Mesa Village every Friday afternoon. On June 14, 1997, with the help of Councilmember Ruth Sterling, the City of La Mesa inaugurated its First Annual Flag Day Parade as well. The “Walkway of the Stars” is a pedestrian walkway that has been transformed into an urban park in downtown La Mesa. The vision for a place to recognize La Mesa’s extraordinary volunteers was provided by Councilmember Ruth Sterling. The park’s theme honors the city’s outstanding volunteers who have provided 10,000 or more hours of service to the city of La Mesa. “Walkway of the Stars” is located between the Allison Avenue municipal parking lot and La Mesa Boulevard.
Is a San Diego based full service moving company that serves local residents, businesses, governments, non governmental organizations, and not-for-profits. No matter your location, Packing Bees is always ready to move you wherever you need. The Packing Bees crew is always there for our clients to help accomplish various goals. Packing Bees will always serve the people of La Mesa.